Rope access NDT & welding

This was a project we are very proud of. We were asked to perform an inspection during a single night shift. The client immediately recognized that we had everything covered on the technical NDT (Non-Destructive Testing) side as well. For this reason, another rope access team from a competitor was sent away.

Rope Access Group worked here for 3 weeks with multiple teams, both day and night shifts.

First, we removed the remaining perlite, an insulation granule, so we could safely cover all areas. Then, all repair points were identified, reported, and discussed with the client. Critical areas were inspected using PT (Penetrant Testing). After discussing an action plan, we carried out the repairs, which included aluminum welding on pipes and supports. Following the repairs, we re-inspected everything using penetrant testing. Finally, we inspected all welds during the pressure test of the piping system.